February 02, 2011
Happy New Year!
Blazing trails in starry skies
Giving way to putrid Macbooks
Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq & now Egypt…
List never-ending.
Yet hope burns aflame!
Or perhaps it’s a trite game?
Obama soars like Eagle hawk
To the empty chasms of false
People still die
Blazing trails in starry skies
Giving way to putrid Macbooks
Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq & now Egypt…
List never-ending.
Yet hope burns aflame!
Or perhaps it’s a trite game?
Obama soars like Eagle hawk
To the empty chasms of false
People still die
As always…
Happy New Year!
The Revolution will not be tweeted
Or perhaps just perhaps it may?
Iran, Kashmir prove
Facebook isn’t quite as tough as Soviet T-10s
Fundamentalism breeds Fascism
God(god) rises like dung beetle
to shit on corpse of Gandhi
And in the choir, they sing
of freedom.
Happy New Year!
2011 much like 1911
2011 much like 1811
2011 much like 1711
2011 much like 1611
2011 much like 1511
2011 much like 1411
2011 much like 1311
2011 much like 1211
Numbers change, Systems unchange
Happy New Year!
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